Command allows you to integrate your current ELD provider. With this integration, our system can provide you with driver vehicle information so you can manage them more effectively.
Each integration allows you to see:
- Driver data
- Vehicle data
- HOS data
- Location data
- Device Battery Level
Command is able to integrate with 25+ ELD providers, you can also notify us if you would like us to integrate with another company if they are not currently partnered with us.
To integrate a new ELD, find your provider from the list and click the "+ Add Account" button on the right.

Follow the prompts to enter all required information and then click "Submit".

Match Drivers
Once connected, you will see a green image showing how many available drivers or units are available with that connection.

Clicking this will take you to the "Drivers" tab where you can match your driver's COMMAND account with the correct ELD. Note that you are also able to invite your drivers to be a COMMAND user from the "Invite from ELD" button in the upper right-hand corner.

Next, click "Connect with ELD". Match each ELD to a COMMAND driver account by clicking on the ellipsis on the far right. If you have multiple integrated ELDs, make sure you select the right ELD account from the correct provider.

Match Assets
Similar to connecting ELDs to the correct COMMAND user, you can connect your assets, in the same way, to track them in COMMAND
Click the settings tab, ELD, then Assets to show a list of the assets that have been added to COMMAND. Click on "To Connect" then check the box next to each unit you want to add to the system and then click Connect.

If you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please reach out to our Support Team via email at or by phone at +1 (833) 929-4441.
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