COMMAND Changelog
[5.4] - 2021/08/30
COMMAND-37, Optimization-Table page scrolling
COMMAND-36, Import Loads
COMMAND-35, Loads list optimization
COMMAND-34, Load detail-basic info
COMMAND-33, create load optimization
COMMAND-32, Optimization-add quantifiers to all amounts and mileage figures
COMMAND-5, user expired but not renewed logic
COMMAND-4, Select from contact when creating loads
COMMAND-3, except the In Transit state, all other state loads can be deleted.
COMMAND-2, the Pending load details page should display driver information and Progress
[Coming Soon]
COMMAND-22, "UI" table scrolling
COMMAND-21, 「UI」Load detail-Doc
COMMAND-20, 「UI」Load detail-Trip info
COMMAND-17, Settlements
COMMAND-6, Tracking
Types of Changes
Added - for new features
Changed - for changes in existing functionality
Deprecated - permanently removed features
Removed - removed features but with plans to be rereleased
Fixed - for any bug fixes
Security - in case of vulnerabilities
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